Hearing Tips
Every New Hearing Aid Owner Makes These 9 Errors
What are some common mistakes new hearing aid owners make? We’ve got the list.
Did I Inherit my Tinnitus?
Could that ringing in your ears be genetic? Let’s take a look at the root causes of tinnitus.
10 Hearing Tips to Make You Feel Youthful
These hearing tips could be your gateway to the fountain of youth.
Safeguard Your Hearing During Loud Summer Activities
Protecting your hearing during loud (but fun) summer activities can help prevent issues like tinnitus and hearing loss.
Are There Some Symptoms of Hearing Loss That Should Throw up Red Flags?
If you notice any of these hearing loss red flags, you should schedule a hearing test.
Can Headaches be Triggered by Hearing Aids?
Headaches can be a symptom of out of whack hearing aids. Luckily, there’s a solution.
Hearing Aid Batteries Drain Quickly Because of This
Do you find that your hearing aid batteries drain at the worst times? Find out what causes them to drain quickly.
You Might Have Hearing Loss if You Notice These 6 Behaviors
Find yourself leaning in to hear a conversation better? It could be this.
Why Does my Hearing Aid Sound Muffled?
Here are a few troubleshooting tips you can follow to try to resolve a muffled sounding hearing aid.
Why do I Hear Crackling in my Ear?
Cracking, buzzing, rumbling, thumping and ringing in the ears. Where are these sounds coming from, and what do they mean for your health?