Hearing Tips
Can You Add Years to the Life of Your Hearing Aids With the Right Care
Are you taking good care of your hearing aid? Here’s a great reason to start!
Regardless of What You May Think, Getting Hearing Aids Will Help Keep You Feeling Youthful
Worried that hearing aids will make you feel old? Think again, science proves hearing aids do just the opposite.
When to Tell a Loved One It is Time to Have a Conversation About Hearing Loss?
When is the right time to start talking about hearing loss with someone you love? Get tips on having this very important conversation.
What Do You Imagine Your Earwax May Divulge About You?
There is more going on with earwax then you might realize. Learn how to decode what your earwax is trying to tell you.
Hearing Loss Hampers More Than Just Your Hearing
Sure hearing loss concerns the ears but is there more to it? Find out why hearing loss impacts more than just your ears.
Why Your New Hearing Aids are a Service Not Just a Brand
When shopping for hearing aids, it’s important to understand you’re not just buying a device; you’re buying an experience.
Finding the Perfect Hearing Protection for Your Life
You need hearing protection but what should you buy? Understand the various kinds of hearing protection and how each works.
How You Can Stay Well With Hearing Loss
How do people with hearing loss deal with every day dangers? Consider some common safety problems and solutions for those who are hearing impaired.
5 Reasons Why Living with Tinnitus Can Be Challenging
While tinnitus doesn’t sound like a life-changing event, consider these five reasons that tinnitus can be such a challenge.
Top Vacation Tips for Anyone With Hearing Aids
Have hearing aid will travel? Consider some travel tips that make your travel less stressful and more fun.