Hearing Tips
Compliments: Are You Missing the Really Good Ones?
Hearing loss could leave you missing out on more than just a word here and there. The compliment you’re not hearing costs more than you know.
Want Good Hearing Health: Here are 7 Tongue Twisters You Need to Learn
These seven important, but difficult to say, words could have a significant impact on your hearing.
Physicians with Hearing Loss: How do They do It
Do you need perfect hearing to be a doctor? What about a lawyer? You might be surprised.
You Need Hearing Aids But Should You Buy One or Two
When it’s time to make a decision about hearing aids, you might wonder, “Do I really need two hearing aids or will one do?”
What are Some Typical Hearing Problems and How Should You Overcome Them?
If you have a gradual hearing loss, here are five things that can change your life and what you can do about it.
How Will a Loss of Hearing Affect Your Driving Skills?
Hearing loss is a very common problem for people as they get older, but is it enough to keep them off the road? There is no easy answer to that question because different people drive differently. A hearing loss is something to think about before getting into a car to...
Could You be Risk for Hearing Loss – Here’s 3 Ways to Prevent It
Follow these tips and you’ll have a better chance of avoiding hearing loss.
5 Secret Ways to Lengthen the Battery Life of Your Hearing Aids
Your hearing aids can last much longer with this information.
What can You Do If Your Friend Needs a Hearing Test
Do you have someone in your life who has hearing problems? Here are some practical ways you can get them to agree to a professional hearing test.
6 Things You Should Do to Avoid Damaging Your Ears
Taking these steps can reduce your risk of significant hearing loss. Consider six things you can do right now to protect your hearing.