Hearing Tips
Three Hearing Aid Scams You Really Ought To Avoid
There are scams associated with hearing aids, especially given the fact that many of the people in need are elderly. Consider three hearing aid scams.
What are 10 Things You Should Know Before Purchasing Hearing Aids
Hearing aids come with features that may seem confusing to you at first. Here are a few things to consider before you make your hearing aid purchase.
How Your Job May be Linked to Hearing Loss
How likely is it that work is causing damage to your hearing? This problem is referred to as occupational hearing loss and it is very common.
15 Ways We Think Hearing Aids Will Make You Happier and Probably Richer
If you are one of the many people out there struggling daily to hear daily you might wonder if a hearing aid can save money and make your life better.
What You Need to Hear Regarding Hearing Loss
There are many factors that contribute to hearing loss. The things you do now to protect your ears can slow the process or prevent hearing loss entirely.
Four Ways a Hearing Test Might Just Save Your Life
Getting screened for hearing loss is a lifesaver because that change in your hearing might indicate something much bigger is affecting your health.
Five Types of Sounds People with Hearing Loss Miss
Each type of hearing loss brings with it different symptoms. Consider five sounds a person with hearing loss might be missing.
Improving Your Hearing Can Better Your Memory
Let’s see how human memory works and how treating hearing loss is one of the best ways to give your brain a boost.
What Can You Learn About These 6 Little-Known Conditions That Affect Hearing and Balance
It’s important not to ignore symptoms of hearing loss or changes in balance. Although these conditions are not common, they are all best treated early.
The Numerous Advantages To Examine With Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)
Throughout this piece we will be talking in length about one treatment option in particular, known as Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT).